Top 2013 Technology Products Chart

Some of you asked me to perform a list of the highest 2013 product. I was thinking a whole lot about this, it was not very simple to choose which has been the most significant products of the entire year. However after having a bit of time I finally managed to compose it down, you certainly have to look at it!

5th - Steam Machine

We're able to definitely say just how Valve and Steam revolutionized videogames and video gaming generally. Few months ago Gabe Newell, Steam's creator, launched the Steam Machine, a product which will be capable to integrate PC's potentiality along with home consoles' comfort. carpet magic steam machine

4th - Oculus Rift

The augmented reality viewer isn't some type of science fiction, it is real - however, not so famous or integrated with the contemporary technologies -.

3rd - Nokia Lumia 1020

Nokia has gone crazy this current year, with a lot of top-notch smartphone that stands for camera quality. The best of them, certainly, is the Lumia 1020, whose quality can be compared to a low-end reflex camera.

2nd - Xbox One

Microsoft made a legendary fail at Xbox One presentation, but absolutely they paid their own mistakes, and after this Xbox is fighting side to side with PS4 (even though having a mild disadvantage). Who will win? Only the number - and the quality, certainly - of the exclusives will reveal that.

1st - HTC One

When it comes to build quality together with software optimization, you won't ever go wrong with HTC. The HTC One is without a doubt fast, handy and full of interesting features. It feels - and it's also - “premium”. You are able to stress it however you want, but you will definitely not notice any kind of lag, period.

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